Tuesday, December 2, 2008


-Self Defense
-Creative Expression
-Increased Muscle Tone
-Rapidly Reduce Body Fat
-Intense Abdominal Workout
-Increased Self Confidence
-Excellent Cardiovascular Conditioning
-Supreme Stress Reducer

Fitness and exercise benefits from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
If you’re bored by exercise machines and can’t face another aerobics class for fitness and exercise training, you might consider putting some submission, grabs and throws into your exercise routine. How? Try a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts class.

Besides being fun, the benefits of martial arts for exercise and fitness training are tremendous; they include increased self-confidence, energy, strength, stamina and mental capacity. Many forms are no slouch in the calorie and fat-burning department, using as many as 600 calories per one-hour class. Martial arts fitness training also report reduced stress levels, fewer physical injuries and illness, and a strengthened immune system.

Just find a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club that is most suitable for you, as to location and class times; and no matter which aspect of the art you like most. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will not only bring you to a next level of fitness training; they will also provide you with a great sense of achievement!

BJJ for women
As for WOMEN, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is considered the best form of real self defense against a rape attack. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu works because of BODY MECHANICS not strength. During most attacks on women a victim will end up in a bottom position. But in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu this is considered a very favorable position to effectively attack and finish the aggressor.

Do I need to be fit, young and very athletic to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ?
No you don't. Because the key to correct Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense is to learn how to use BODY MECHANICS and leverage, you do not need strength or agility to execute a technique. There is a saying in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: If you are using strength to apply a technique that means you do not know that technique.


Depois de mudarem o adversario em cima da hora,a luta ocorreu no dia 22 de novembro na Nova Zelandia no evento Cage Warrior,ao inves de fazer a luta com o Striker Api Hemara,botaram outro experiente lutador Dylan Andrews para fazer a luta principal e o unico combate Internacional do evento.Sandro Sampaio que contou com a ajuda de seu Mestre Abi-Rihan,Vander Valverde,Casquinha e seu cunhado Marcelo Lopes para sua preparacao nesse combate,contando ainda com o apoio de seu pai e de Deus.


Equipe Top Brother finaliza com chave de ouro no evento de MMA na Academia Delfin,Tiago Big Monster,mais uma vez passa por cima de seu adversario sem tomar nehum conhecimneto.